This is the classic German grammar book for you to study. There are 3 books divided into specific levels. That level A1 - A2 will use A Grammatik. Levels B1 - B2 use B Grammatik. Level C1 - C2 uses Grammatik. The length of the book ranges from 180 to 250 pages with both listening CD and answers.
The advantage of this series is that it covers all things you need to master about German grammar. In addition, the book also has a summary of knowledge at the beginning of the article. The summary is presented scientifically and easily to remember in tabular format. The example is put in a rich and realistic book. Combined with CD for listening practice, not only will your grammar improve, but firm words as well as hearing ability will also increase rapidly.
However, this is a German grammar book suitable for level B1 and above. The reason is that the series is written 100% in German. As a result, it may be difficult for beginners to understand the theory in the book. This will lead to boredom and difficulty in continuing to learn.
Deutsch Grammatik A1-A2, B1-B2, C1-C2
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